
Ingénieur de Recherche en traitement d'images cérébrales multimodales au sein de l'équipe Image@Imagine (INSERM UMR 1163 Institut Imagine) et de la plateforme 3T recherche du Service de Radiologique Pédiatrique du Pr. Nathalie Boddaert.


  • Mise en place de protocole de recherche,
  • Collecte et gestion des données,
  • Analyse et traitement des images,
  • Développement d'algorithmes et logiciels de traitement d'images, visualisation et statistiques,
  • Publication et valorisation des travaux de recherche et de l'équipe,
  • Administrateur du parc informatique de l'équipe.

Co-auteur des publications suivantes (Image@Imagine)


Boisgontier et al., "Zolpidem’s paradoxical restorative action: A case report of functional brain imaging"

(2023) Frontiers in Neuroscience

----- #Zolpidem #IRMfRepos #Connectivité #ASL-MRI #CaseReport #Pédiatrie

Rutten et al., "The longitudinal evolution of cerebral blood flow in children with tuberous sclerosis assessed by arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging may be related to cognitive performance"

(2023) European Radiology

----- #ScléroseTubéreuseDeBourneville #ASL-MRI #Pédiatrie

Dangouloff-Ros et al., "Abnormal Spontaneous Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent Fluctuations in Children with Focal Cortical Dysplasias: Initial findings in surgically confirmed cases"

(2022) Neuropediatrics

----- #Epilepsie #DysplasieCorticaleFocale #IRMf #ReHo #Pédiatrie

Pouliquen et al., "Arterial Spin-Labeling Perfusion Imaging in the Early Stage of Sturge-Weber Syndrome"

(2022) American Journal of Neuroradiology

----- #Sturge-Weber #ASL-MRI #Pédiatrie

Dangouloff-Ros et al., "Preoperative Detection of Subtle Focal Cortical Dysplasia in Children by Combined ASL, VBM, EEG-fMRI, Resting-State Regional Homogeneity, and FDG-PET"

(2022) Neurosurgery

----- #Epilepsie #DysplasieCorticaleFocale #Multi-modalité #Pédiatrie

Eisermann & Fillon et al., "Periodic electroencephalographic discharges and epileptic spasms involve cortico-striatal-thalamic loops on Arterial Spin Labeling Magnetic Resonance Imaging"

(2022) Brain Communications

----- #SpasmesInfantiles #Striatum #Thalamus #ASL-MRI #Pédiatrie

Boisgontier et al., "A CBF decrease in the left supplementary motor areas: New insights into postoperative pediatric cerebellar mutism syndrome using arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI"

(2021) Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism

----- #Médulloblastome #Mutisme #ASL-MRI #Pédiatrie

Lemaître et al., "Rest functional brain maturation during the first year of life"

(2021) Cerebral Cortex

----- #DéveloppementTypique #MaturationCérébrale #ASL-MRI #Pédiatrie

Coez et al., "Arterial Spin Labeling brain MRI study to evaluate the impact of deafness on cerebral perfusion in 79 children before cochlear implantation"

(2021) NeuroImage Clinical

----- #Surdité #ASL-MRI #Pédiatrie

Blauwblomme et al.,"Complete hemispherotomy leads to lateralized functional organization and lower level of consciousness in the isolated hemisphere"

(2020) Epilepsia Open

----- #Hemispherotomie #Epilepsie #ASL-MRI #IRMf #Pédiatrie

Vinçon-Leite et al., "Neural basis of interindividual variability in social perception in typically developing children and adolescents using diffusion tensor imaging"

(2020) Scientific Reports

----- #DéveloppementTypique #PerceptionSociale #DTI #Eye-Tracking #Pédiatrie

Rechtman et al., "Posterior fossa arachnoid cyst in a pediatric population is associated with social perception and rest cerebral blood flow abnormalities"

(2020) Cerebellum

----- #KysteFossePostérieure #PerceptionSociale #ASL-MRI #Eye-Tracking #Pédiatrie

Boisgontier et al., "Anatomical and functional abnormalities on MRI in kabuki syndrome"

(2018) NeuroImage Clinical

----- #SyndromeKabuki #ASL-MRI #Pédiatrie


(mis à jour le 11 Avril 2023)