Filter Filter By date Start date End date By Type News Press Release Press kit By Thematic Accélérer la recherche Innovation Institut Imagine Soigner Soutenir Transmettre By Keywords Avancées scientifiques Développement Evènement Génétique Hématologie Immunologie Intelligence artificielle International Journée Nationale Néphrologie Neuro-développement Témoignage Filter Reset 0 results match your search. Support The fifth HEROES auction for the benefit of Institut Imagine reaches €10 million 25/09/2024 Support IFI Special: It is possible to accelerate medical research on genetic diseases while reducing your taxes! 23/03/2021 Support Launch of the Sharing Fund "Invest for Childhood": When private equity serves the common good 03/07/2023 Support Launch of a sponsorship partnership with BNP Paribas Cardif 03/03/2023 Support Training today for better care tomorrow 24/01/2023 Support The Institut Imagine, for a human medicine focused on patients and their families 20/12/2022 Support Giving to Imagine to transform the lives of children with genetic diseases 20/12/2022 Support Condé Nast and Institut Imagine launch the Institute's first donor magazine 11/10/2022 Support Rounding up your pay: how L'Oréal and its employees are getting involved with Imagine 24/05/2022 Support Joelle Martinez raises awareness on disability with the story "Le Papillon dorée » (The Golden Butterfly) 21/01/2022 Support Le Bon Marché x Imagine: a 3-dimensional partnership lights up the end of the year 06/12/2021 Support The Sycomore Foundation supports the socio-professional integration project "Imagine La Suite" 23/09/2021 Support Entrepreneurs and friends of Imagine - Working together to change the lives of children and families affected by genetic diseases 28/06/2021 Support Testimony of Patrice Brion 26/03/2021 Support Testimony of Amélie de Bourbon Parme - Havas, supports Imagine through a sponsorship of competence 25/01/2021 Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page Next Last page Newsletter Discoveries, advances, portaits... Find out the latest research news and medical innovations. Votre email Valider Data Privacy Policy